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Used Books

Welcome to Bookish Banter! I'm very new at this book reviewing thing, but I plan to keep a laid-back and inclusive space for all book lovers. I'm hoping this style of book reviewing allows us to share our love for books in a unique way. I'm aiming to create a safe and welcoming environment for all readers, where they can come and indulge in their passion for books. Join us on this literary journey as we explore the world of literature and share our thoughts and recommendations.

Old Books

My Story

Hello there! I'm a 33-year-old queer woman whose heart beats for the written word. Ever since I could remember, books have been my steadfast companions, guiding me through life's twists and turns. In those quiet pages, I've found solace, inspiration, and courage during pivotal moments in my journey. My dream? To reside in a cozy cottage nestled in the woods, surrounded by nature's embrace, and spend my days immersed in the magic of literature. While I'm working towards that woodland haven, for now, I channel my passion into managing a blog, where I can share my love for diverse narratives and thoughtful insights. It's a step towards a future I envision—one where I can bring people together through the doors of my very own bookstore. Here's to a life shaped by the profound impact of books, and the unwritten chapters that lie ahead!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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